You might have seen, or heard about, Marie Kondo’s ritual of thanking items for their service in your life prior to letting them go and maybe that was a little too woo-woo for your taste (admittedly, it is a bit much even for me), but I do believe that gratitude plays a strong role in decluttering and organizing our homes.
The most common expression of gratitude I hear when decluttering with my clients is: “Thank you so much! I’ve been looking all over for that!” But oftentimes, clients I work with are quite apologetic throughout the process especially when we encounter items that have gathered dust, dirt, or other grime. My response is a cheery “better late than never” attitude, assuring them that there is no need to apologize and that we are tackling the problem now so all is well – or soon will be. Lately, though, I’ve been reflecting on how we can journey from a place of embarrassment to one of gratitude.
First, I must recognize that if neglecting your home has put you, your loved ones, or others in danger, then a certain measure of regret is necessary to feel so that there is recognition of the problem and a drive to never repeat it. That said, wallowing in shame and guilt while decluttering will not be effective in breaking the pattern that lead to the disorder and chaos, so the far better option is to choose to practice gratitude instead. What does this look like when organizing? Here are some examples:
Rather than: I can’t believe I wasted so much money on food and now I have to toss it all. Try: I am so grateful that I (and my family) did not want for food this year – and even had an overabundance! Moving forward, I am going to be more mindful of my food purchasing and storage because I do not want to waste this blessing. [If you need tips, read my previous blog post on decluttering and organizing your space’s food storage.]
Rather than: I can’t believe I let these perfectly new clothes get ruined. Try: Now that I know most people wear 10-20 percent of the clothes they own, I am going to be very choosy about what goes in my closet and drawers and immediately donate what doesn’t fit me, (my children), or my lifestyle. I want to be able to bless others the way I have been blessed and I can’t do that if the clothing gets too old, mildewy, or destroyed by pets/pests. [Read this post for more clothing and laundry tips.]
Once you have decluttered, either by yourself or with some help, organizing to keep the things you need, use, and love easily accessible is a gift that keeps on giving and is something you will be grateful for the whole year through. If you want to declutter and get organized, but find yourself stuck every time you start, please do not hesitate to call on Real Life Professional Organizing at 859-293-LIFE(5433) to book your free phone consultation today!